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How to Import Cookies for Private Content ​

Accessing private or restricted content often requires authentication, which is typically handled through cookies. This guide will walk you through the process of importing cookies to access private videos and playlists which are not downloadable otherwise.

Why Import Cookies? ​

Cookies are used by websites to maintain user sessions and store authentication information. By importing these cookies into the application, you can access content that would normally require you to be logged in through a web browser.

Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Cookies ​

First, you'll need to install a browser extension that can export cookies:

2. Export Cookies from the Service ​

  1. Navigate to the service (e.g., YouTube) and ensure you're logged in.
  2. Click on the Cookie-Editor extension icon in your browser.
  3. In the extension popup, click on "Export" and choose "Export as JSON" (recommended) or "Export as Netscape HTTP Cookie File" (.txt format).
  4. Save the exported file to your computer.

3. Use the Cookies in Easy Video Downloader Express ​

  1. Open the application.
  2. Click the auhetication key icon from the interface.
  3. Click on the option to select your cookies file.
  4. Choose the exported cookies file from step 2.
  5. Apply the changes.

4. Downloading Private videos ​

After importing the cookies:

  1. Try accessing a private video or playlist that the exported cookies account have permission to view when logged in.
  2. If successful, you should now be able to download the content through our application.

Important Considerations ​

  • Security: Keep your exported cookie file secure. It contains sensitive login information.
  • Expiration: Cookies typically have an expiration date. You may need to repeat this process periodically if the authetication fails.
  • Terms of Service: Always respect the terms of service of the content provider.

Troubleshooting ​

If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure you're fully logged in when exporting cookies.
  2. Check that you've selected all necessary cookies during export.